Construction, Estonia, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 29.03.2025, 07:04

Artificial island could be built between Tallinn and Helsinki

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 06.04.2009.Print version
BBN quoted an artificial island could be built in the line with building of the railway tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki, according to a vision of Finish architect Martti Kalliala, writes LETA.

The island could accommodate 20,000 residents, the architect noted.


The young specialist said that building materials would be readily at hand as during the construction of the sea tunnel almost 16 million cubic meters of granite rubble would be left over and this could be used in building the two square kilometer artificial island, Helsinki-Info says.


According to the architect's plans, finance for building the island would come from selling the construction rights amongst other sources: a square meter of land would cost about 400 euros (6200 kroons), altogether the building would cost approximately 600 million euros (9.4 billion kroons).


Kalliala proposed a name for the island – Talsinki, and it could be shaped in the form of letters TKI. As to the developer of the project, it is the perfect place for Estonian and Finnish businesses that need work forces from both countries simultaneously. The architect plans to indicate that the island would have apartment buildings, summer cottages, pyramid-shaped office buildings, a school, central park, a swimming beach, a small port, a conference centre and a wind farm, built five meters above the sea level.


The idea to build Talsinki was inspired by the artificial islands in Dubai. The idea will be presented to the Helsinki City Planning Department Laituri's exhibition centre in the exhibition from April 17 till May 15, and it is called Helsinki- Eurooppalainen Metropolis, which means Europe-like metropolis.

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