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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 08:44

At the beginning of 2015 population of Latvia decreased by 15.4 thsd people

Sigita Šulca, Statistics Latvia, 27.05.2015.Print version
According to the latest data of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) at the beginning of 2015, the number of population of Latvia accounted for 1 mln 986.1 thsd people, which is 15.4 thsd less than a year before. In 2014, the number of population witnessed a slower decrease (decrease of 0.77%) as compared to 2013 (1.10%).

In regional breakdown the number of population increased only in Pierīga region (by 0.6 thsd). In turn, the largest drop was recorded in Latgale region – of 4.7 thsd.


The number of population in Kurzeme declined by 3.3 thsd people, in Vidzeme – by 2.9 thsd, and in Zemgale – by 2.7 thsd. The number of population witnessed a drop in all cities under state jurisdiction, and the most rapid drop was recorded in Riga (by 2361 people), Daugavpils (968), Liepāja (801), while the smallest decline was registered in Jūrmala (104).


Last year the number of population grew only in 12 out of 110 counties, and they all are counties in Pierīga region. The largest growth in the number of population was recorded in Mārupe (793 people more), in Ķekava (295), Sigulda (205), Salaspils (120), Ikšķile (140), Babīte (170) and Ādaži (176) county. A slight growth in the number population (of up to 50 people) was also recorded in Garkalne, Baldone, Stopiņi, Carnikava and Sēja county. Out of the above-mentioned counties positive net migration was registered in 11 counties, while positive natural increase – in nine counties.


In 2014 due to international long-term migration the number of population in Latvia dropped by 8.7 thsd. (in 2013 – by 14.2 thsd), and due to natural movement  – by 6.7 thsd (in 2013 – by 8.1 thsd). 10.3 thsd people arrived to Latvia from other countries (2.1 thsd more than in 2013), of which 65% where Latvian residents who returned to Latvia. Compared to 2013 the number of emigrants decreased by 3.5 thsd (19.0 thsd people emigrated in 2014).

Population changes in Latvia 2004 – 2014, thsd pers.

Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

Affected by a slight birth rate growth, the number of children and youth (of up to 14 years of age) has increased by 3.3 thsd, accounting for 15.0% of the total number of population at the beginning of 2015 (at the beginning of 2014 – 14.7%). Also the number of population over working age (62 years and more) has grown – by 1.7 thsd. Their share in the total number of population has increased from 22.7% at the beginning of 2014 to 23.0% at the beginning of 2015. It should be noted that due to emigration the number of working-age population kept decreasing – by 20.4 thsd or 1.6%.


In 2014 the number of population of all major ethnicities in Latvia witnessed a drop: the number of Poles decreased by 2.1%, the number of Belarusians – by 2.0%, the number of Russians – by 1.5%, and the number of Latvians – by 0.4%. The share of Latvians in the total number of population, despite the decrease in absolute number, has grown from 61.4% at the beginning of 2014 to 61.6% at the beginning of this year.

Ethnic composition of population of Latvia at the beginning of 2015 (in %)
Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

Since 2011 the number of marriages per 1 000 population has been increasing: from 5.2 marriages in 2011 to 6.3 marriages in 2014. In turn, the number of divorces has been declining from 4.0 to 3.1 per 1 000 population, respectively.  


21.8 thsd births and 28.5 thsd deaths were recorded in Latvia in 2014. Already for three successive years the number of births has been growing in Latvia. The number of births per 1 000 population has grown from 9.1 in 2011 to 10.9 in 2014. Mortality remains at the level of the previous years – 14.3 deaths per 1 000 population. Last year infant mortality kept decreasing – 83 children died during the first year of life. If in 2011 there were 6.6 infant deaths per 1 000 live births, then in 2014 this number decreased to 3.8.

Demography trends in Latvia; 2011 – 2014






2014 as per cent over 2013


Per 1 000 population

Number of population, at the end of the year

2 044 813

2 023 825

2 001 468

1 986 096



Number of marriages

10 760

11 244

11 436

12 515



Number of divorces

8 302

7 311

7 031

6 271



Number of births

18 825

19 897

20 596

21 746



Number of deaths

28 540

29 025

28 691

28 466




Information on the number of population in administrative territories at the beginning of 2015, as well as data on key demographic indicators are available in the CSB database Population and Social Processes.

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