Analytics, Education and Science, Legislation, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 25.09.2024, 14:29

Lithuania's national landscape management plan approved

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 15.10.2015.Print version
Lithuanian Minister of Environment Kestutis Treciokas has approved a National Landscape Management Plan. It is a land-use document of a national scale that covers the whole territory of Lithuania (except Lithuania’s territorial waters in the Baltic Sea) and lays down the principles of landscape protection and use and its key maintenance trends in the country, reported BC the ministry.

‘Few world countries have such national landscape management plans, so the approval of this plan makes us a sort of a leader. Having ratified the European Landscape Convention in 2002, Lithuania has been at the forefront of landscape planning and has sought that our valuable landscape is managed, used and protected in a responsible manner’, said the Minister of Environment.

The plan that was developed from 2012 to 2015 is the output of specialists in land-use planning, landscaping, landscape geography and cultural heritage and experts from research institutes, which summarises scientific knowledge and planning practices from the last decade and lays down trends of landscape management for the coming decade. The approved plan comprises concepts and four drawings.

‘Developed by specialists in their respective fields, the National Landscape Management Plan will help to project landscape management and protection operations at least a decade ahead and integrate them into the agenda not only of the Ministry of Environment but also of other institutions and municipalities. Landscape protection is our common duty and aim’, said K. Trečiokas.

The plan concepts lay down the principles of landscape formation, protection, management and planning of a territory, landscape management zones and their structure in accordance with the top priorities of territorial development. They also set forth trends for the regulation of landscape management, which indicate territories for intensive use and areas for sustainable or integrated use with account of the natural and cultural values of their landscape. This planning document also recommends measures for maintaining the ecological balance of landscape, forming the natural frame and conserving natural and cultural values and landscape complexes.

The National Landscape Management Plan will allow integrating the landscape policy principles into strategic programmes and plans of other economic sectors. This land-use planning document can be referred to as a tool or a starting point for national and municipal institutions to correct the land-use master plans of district and city municipalities and other land-use or strategic planning documents, and as a key for the public to gain knowledge of Lithuania’s landscape and enhance their citizenship and responsibility.

The original documents (including the graphic part) are stored and made available at the Landscape Division of the Protected Areas and Landscape Department at the Ministry of Environment (Rooms 407 and 418, A. Jakšto Str. 4/ 9, Vilnius). The Ministry of Environment is to issue a separate publication presenting this plan in the near future.

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