Analytics, Banks, Covid-19, Economics, Estonia, GDP
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Monday, 31.03.2025, 10:09
Swedbank economist: Economic impact of pandemic weaker than expected in Estonia

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Estonia's gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 6.9% in the
second quarter of 2020, compared to the second quarter of 2019, while GDP at
current prices was 6.4 bn euros, according to Statistics Estonia.
"The volume of Estonia's economy contracted 3.9 %
during the first half of this year. This is not a final figure, however, it is
a preliminary one which will be adjusted several times," Mertsina said.
The economist added that the largest negative contribution
to the economic decline in the second quarter -- 2.6 percentage points, or 39%
-- came from manufacturing, followed by retail and wholesale, real estate and
the hospitality sector.
"Seven of the 20 areas of activity included in the
calculation of GDP saw their value added grow, and the combined impact of
construction and the ICT sector was considerable. The decline in manufacturing,
our main exporting sector, was caused by a general decrease in demand," he
Mertsina pointed out that the decline in production volumes
in manufacturing has decelerated rapidly, having bottomed out in Estonia in May
and only decreasing 1% on year in July whereas export revenue even grew
"The crisis dealt a great blow to our tourism sector,
particularly to accommodation and travel services, which will be much slower to
bounce back than the rest of the economy. The number of people accommodated in Estonia
was 78% smaller in the second quarter compared with a year ago and the value
added in accommodation declined 72%," he said.
The economist added that as the proportion of this area in
the economy is small, its negative impact on the economy as a whole at 0.5 percentage
points, or 7%, was modest.
"Export decreased 19%, but the decline in the export of
services was much stronger than in that of goods, at 35% and 10%, respectively.
The drop in the export of services was mainly due to reductions in transport
and travel services," he noted.
Mertsina highlighted as a positive aspect the decline in
export being smaller than that in import, which fell 22 %. This, in turn, has
increased net export and reduced economic downturn.
"Export and import alike bottomed out in May, and the
decline in both figures eased in June. Compared with our major trade partners,
their import decline, too, has slowed down," he said, adding that while
global trade volumes are in strong decline, they already exhibited signs of
improvement in June.
Private consumption in the second quarter dropped 8.7 %;
however, breakdown by month reveals some differences, according to Mertsina.
"Card payment revenues, which indirectly indicate private
consumption, fell sharply in April, but in May the fall decelerated and turned
to growth in June, accelerating further in July," the economist said.
"National support measures, the Unemployment Insurance
Fund's wage compensation in particular, have reduced unemployment growth, which
in turn has supported improvement in private consumption," he said, adding
that people's confidence is still very weak, despite having improved somewhat
after bottoming out in June.
"As expected, investments declined -- 15% -- mainly due
to the enterprises' sector, where gross fixed capital formation declined by a
quarter as a result of the crisis and greater uncertainty as well as base
effect," he added.
Investments by the government sector and households
increased, however, according to Mertsina. He added that the government
sector's investments only grew 3% in the second quarter but growth over the
first half of the year amounted to 12%. The economist underscored that public
procurement currently has an important role in stimulating economic growth.
"The current economic downturn bottomed out in the
second quarter and the economy has bounced back rapidly over the past
months," Mertsina said, adding that the exit from the current crisis
should be significantly swifter compared with the late 2000s recession.
"Estonia along with the Nordics and other Baltic
states, which are the recipients of half our export, have been less affected by
the current crisis than Western and Southern Europe," he said.
The economist added that according to Swedbank's
forecast published last week, Estonia's economy was predicted to contract 5%
this year. Better GDP performance in the second quarter allows to reduce the
projected decline.
"The risk of the spread of the coronavirus decelerating
Estonia's exit from the crisis has grown, however," Mertsina said.
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