Analytics, Employment, Estonia, EU – Baltic States

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 06.09.2024, 03:40

More than 35,000 Estonians may have moved to Finland over the past few years

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 01.12.2009.Print version
Over 35,000 Estonians have moved to Finland over the past few years, estimates Global Estonian Central Council’s Estonian representative Aho Rebas, adding that it is difficult to pinpoint the exact number since very few people register officially their departure from Estonia.

Aho Rebas.

“A few thousand have certainly also gone to Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and Australia,” Rebas said, adding that going to these states to study or work is widespread in the past few years especially, writes Õhtuleht/LETA.


A large community of Estonians has formed after WWII in USA, Canada, Sweden and Australia, said Rebas.


Rebas said that there is no proper information about people who have returned from abroad to live Estonia either.


Just 7,735 people have registered officially via the foreign ministry as living permanently abroad but authorities cannot rule out that quite a few of them have returned home already and forgotten to cancel their registration.

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