Analytics, EU – Baltic States, Financial Services

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.12.2024, 06:56

Baltic countries were among least wealthy states in EU in 2008

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 27.02.2011.Print version
According to the data of 2008, Estonia was among the 7 least wealthy states of the EU, LETA/Äripä cites a Eurostat report. Latvia was on the 4th place from the bottom (56%) and Lithuania 5th (61%).

The purchase power of Estonians formed 68% of the EU average in 200, giving it the seventh place from the bottom.


The top five were Luxembourg (279% of EU average), Holland (134%), Ireland (133%), Austria (124%) and Denmark (123%).


The level was the lowest in Bulgaria (44%) and Romania (47%).

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