Analytics, Employment, Estonia, Financial Services, Taxation
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 21.12.2024, 15:36
A third accountants employed by the Estonian state lose jobs
As the result of centralising the support services of the state institutions, that takes place at the initiative of the finance ministry, a number of units that do similar work will disappear and instead of the current 587 accountants, 360-400 will keep their jobs, said finance ministry support services joining project manager Marge Lepp at PwC's accounting and tax conference.
At the start of the project there were 204 accounting units and by the end of the project just 17 should remain. Instead of the earlier 200 balance sheets, 17 will be compiled.
In some institutions, the centralising has already taken place, for example in the police board, there were 124 accountants and 34 remained. Most found work as financial workers.
The state's accounting units will in the future be located in Tallinn, Tartu and Viljandi.