Analytics, Financial Services, Latvia, Markets and Companies, Wages
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Thursday, 13.03.2025, 06:57
Average monthly net wages in Latvia increased to LVL 361 in Q2

In comparison with the 1st quarter of this year, gross wages and salaries in the country have gone up by 3.8% – from LVL 485* to LVL 503. Rise in the public sector constituted 6.0%, in private sector – 2.6%, while in general government sector – 4.5%.
Changes in average monthly gross wages and salaries (% over corresponding period of previous year) |
Compared to the 2nd quarter of 2012, gross wages and salaries in private sector in the 2nd quarter of 2013 increased more rapidly than in public sector – by 5.3% (from LVL 459 to LVL 483). Rise in the public sector constituted 3.9% (from LVL 520 to LVL 540), of which 5.2% growth was recorded in the general government sector (from LVL 466 to LVL 491).
Changes in average monthly wages and salaries by sector
Q2 2012 |
Q1 2013 |
Q2 2013 |
Change, % |
Q2 2013 over Q2 2012 |
Q2 2013 over Q1 2013 |
Total |
481 |
485* |
503 |
4.7 |
3.8 |
Private sector |
459 |
471* |
483 |
5.3 |
2.6 |
Public sector |
520 |
510 |
540 |
3.9 |
6.0 |
of which: |
General government sector |
466 |
469 |
491 |
5.2 |
4.5 |
In the 2nd quarter of this year, average monthly gross wages and salaries, calculated by including also the number of unemployed persons engaged in the paid temporary public works in the employee number, comprised LVL 500. Data of the State Employment Agency show that on average 8.8 thousand unemployed persons were participating in the paid temporary public works during this time period.
Average monthly net wages and salaries in the 2nd quarter of this year constituted LVL 361. Along with the smaller inflation, the real rise in the wages and salaries during the year reached 5.2% –exceeding the rise in the nominal net wages and salaries for the first time within the last two years (5.1%).
Changes in average monthly net wages and salaries (% over corresponding period of previous year) |
In comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2012, increase in the wages and salaries in the 2nd quarter of 2013 was recorded in all sectors, except transportation and storage (drop of 0.8%).
Average monthly gross wages and salaries by economic activity in 2nd quarter of 2012 (per cent over corresponding period of previous year) |
Average monthly gross wages and salaries by economic activity (LVL)
Q2 2012 |
Q1 2013* |
Q2 2013 |
Change, % |
Q2 2013 over Q2 2012 |
Q2 2013 over Q1 2013 |
Total |
481 |
485 |
503 |
4.7 |
3.8 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
445 |
452 |
471 |
5.7 |
4.3 |
Mining and quarrying |
480 |
534 |
554 |
15.5 |
3.8 |
Manufacturing |
443 |
442 |
463 |
4.7 |
4.8 |
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
716 |
643 |
720 |
0.6 |
12.1 |
Water supply; sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities |
499 |
469 |
514 |
2.9 |
9.7 |
Construction |
436 |
457 |
474 |
8.6 |
3.7 |
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
408 |
423 |
432 |
6.0 |
2.0 |
Transportation and storage |
563 |
511 |
558 |
-0.8 |
9.1 |
Accommodation and food service activities |
314 |
314 |
325 |
3.7 |
3.4 |
Information and communication |
760 |
842 |
814 |
7.2 |
-3.2 |
Financial and insurance activities |
1016 |
1067 |
1098 |
8.0 |
2.9 |
Real estate activities |
414 |
416 |
427 |
3.2 |
2.7 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities |
595 |
588 |
602 |
1.2 |
2.4 |
Administrative and support service activities |
430 |
430 |
452 |
5.1 |
5.2 |
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security |
573 |
590 |
624 |
8.8 |
5.7 |
Education |
406 |
410 |
418 |
3.1 |
2.1 |
Health and social work |
453 |
448 |
473 |
4.5 |
5.6 |
Arts, entertainment and recreation |
399 |
400 |
420 |
5.4 |
5.0 |
Other service activities |
392 |
403 |
421 |
7.4 |
4.6 |
More information on wages and salaries in Latvia is available in the CSB database.
Data source: sample survey of individual merchants, commercial companies, State and local government institutions, foundations, associations and funds as well as administrative data sources.
Public sector is central and local government institutions and commercial companies, commercial companies with central or local government capital participation 50% and over, as well as foundations, associations and funds, and their commercial companies. Data on foundations, associations and funds and their commercial activities are not included in this information.
According to the European System of Accounts (ESA 95) the general government sector includes central and local government institutions, the social security fund, enterprises controlled and financed by the central and local governments.
Changes of average monthly wages and salaries are calculated as rounded values, i.e., considering the value in santims.
When calculating average monthly wages and salaries the number of salaried employees is re-calculated into full-time units, thus eliminating the differences in salaries paid for various workloads.
* Data have been revised.