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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 07:01

SEB 31st Tartu Running Marathon sets new records

BC, Tallinn, 08.05.2013.Print version

31st edition of SEB Tartu Jooksumaraton (cross country running race) takes place on this Sunday, on the 12th of May 2013. The standings state that there are in total of 4352 people registered to the marathon which is already 300 people more than last year altogether, informed BC Marketing and Communication from Club Tartu Maraton Greete Kempel.


SEB Tartu running marathon offers 10 and 23 km distances, one can also choose between running and Nordic walking.


2278 people are registered to the 23 km distance running, 23 km Nordic walking has 243 enrolled persons. 10 km running distance has 1319 participants, Nordic walking 512. There are altogether 2560 men and 1792 women from 13 different countries registered to the event. Registration is open until 11th of May 5 pm.


Race director Kunnar Karu: “The big number of enrolled people shows that Tartu running marathon has proved itself as the biggest cross country running event in the Baltic States. We are happy that our event is popular among Estonians and foreign participants as well and I hope that this year we will see altogether 4000 finishers for the first time in the history of the event marathon.”


Karu also adds that the course is in a good condition, but as the event takes place on landscape, not asphalt it is important to do the appropriate preparations. Course master of Club Tartu Maraton has his hands full of work this week – the race course has to be marked, muddy places have to be filled with chopped wood etc in order to prepare the best emotions for the participants.

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