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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 17:43

MTV Latvija temporarily merges with MTV Lietuva

BC, Riga, 06.02.2009.Print version

Due to complicated economic situation in the nation, MTV Latvija will temporarily merge with Lithuania's MTV Lietuva" in order to cut costs, as MTV Latvija Director Liliana Ozolina told LETA.


Ozolina said that therefore the subtitles are now in English, commercial breaks are in both English and Latvian, while all the rest remains unchanged at MTV Latvija.


MTV Lietuva has taken over several duties from MTV Latvija, and the subtitles are now being made simultaneously for both countries.


"These changes are temporary; the Latvian subtitles will be back as soon as the economic situation improves in the country," Ozolina stressed.


At the beginning of February, several MTV Latvija employees left their jobs. MTV Latvija Director Ozolina continues, as does the music channel's Internet manager Liva Petersone.


Ozolina said earlier that MTV Latvija VJ Zanete Skarule would continue making broadcasts for the television, whereas the two other MTV Latvija employees, the marketing manager and the campaigns coordinator, would be laid off.


The MTV Baltic channel, which works as three separate televisions in the Baltic countries – MTV Latvija, MTV Lietuva and MTV Eesti – launched in September 2006.

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