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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 26.11.2024, 23:41

Estonian border guard bans going in ice

BC, Tallinn, 30.11.2010.Print version

The Estonian border guard banned going on the rather thin ice of East Estonian lakes; the ban will last till the ice is at least 14 cm thick, LETA/Postimees Online reports.


It is forbidden to go on ice of Lakes Peipsi, Pihkva and Lämmijärv and Narva water reservoir.


“I hope wholeheartedly that people really adhere to that order,” said South Estonian prefecture’s birder guard bureau head Tõnu Reinup, adding that with weather that cold, the ban should not lat very long since ice thickens every day.


Lake Peipsi has a thin ice layer from the shore to around 100 metres.

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