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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 13:50

41% Estonians don’t plan family

BC, Tallinn, 29.03.2011.Print version

41% of Estonian women and men in fertile age do not plan when to have children and how many children to have, LETA/National Broadcasting cites a Sexual Health Association study.


While 15 years ago, a lot abortions were made in Estonia, now the pendulum is in the other corner: the new generation believes that they decide everything in their life, said gynaecologist Dr Kai Haldre in ETV’s morning programme. “People imagine that they will have children exactly when they have acquitted all that stuff /.../ That it is right not to leave anything for nature to decide and that causes a lot of extra stress that is actually not needed,” said Dr Haldre.


Dr Haldre said that the age for having the first child has shifted considerably in Estonia, being at around 26 years now. “It will certainly shift further, to around 29-30 years,” she said.


Dr Haldre pointed out that in the study, over 80% of both men and women said that preventing a pregnancy is the responsibility of both partners. “The small percentage that thought that this is a women’s thing, were mainly men with low education level, living in rural areas.”


The aim of the study that covered 500 people was to map attitudes towards unwanted pregnancies.

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