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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 03.10.2024, 00:30

Lithuania and Germany united by effective partnership within the EU and by common interests in the region

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 07.09.2010.Print version
President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor is visiting Lithuania at the invitation of the President of Lithuania. The President and the Chancellor discussed Lithuanian-German bilateral relations, possibilities to strengthen further their economic relations, and the EU agenda – measures to overcome the economic crisis and to enhance energy independence of the Baltic countries.

Angela Merkel and Dalia Grybauskaite. Vilnius, 6.09.2010.

"Lithuania has always been enjoying German support for its efforts to join the European Union and afterwards. Thanks to this support, many projects important for Lithuania are advancing. I am happy to be able to state that Germany continues to demonstrate understanding of the concerns of our country and the whole Baltic region and to support Lithuania in any area," President Dalia Grybauskaitė said.


According to the President, successful development of the Baltic Sea region will not be possible unless energy dependence of the Baltic countries is eliminated, which calls for higher European support and attention for strategic energy and transport projects in Lithuania and other Baltic states, informed BC press service of the president.


Talking about the development of the EU's relations with its Eastern neighbours, President Dalia Grybauskaitė and Chancellor Angela Merkel underlined that Lithuania and Germany favoured a consistent and constructive dialogue between the EU and Russia and supported the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood Policy covering relations with Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.


The President and the Chancellor also discussed bilateral cooperation within NATO.

"Germany is one of Lithuania's major allies within NATO. We strongly appreciate Germany's support for Lithuania as we seek for NATO defence plans. I am also glad that cargo transportation from Germany and other countries for the international mission in Afghanistan now takes the route through the Klaipėda Seaport," President Dalia Grybauskaitė said.


According to the President, Lithuania's close and constructive relations with Germany will gain a new impetus during Lithuania's Presidency of the OSCE and the European Union.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the fact that Lithuania and Germany see a similar solution to the economic crisis, which is reasonable fiscal consolidation and strong compliance with the Stability Growth Pact (SGP). "We are delighted that Lithuania's economy grows, just as in Germany. We agree that the overall route, which focuses on strict compliance with the Stability Growth Pact and reasonable fiscal consolidation, will create a long term basis so that we could build a successful economy," Merkel said at a joint news conference with President Dalia Grybauskaite on Monday.


Speaking about the lessons given by the crisis, Merkel stressed the need for a uniform policy in the EU which should be applied not only to the current euro area member states, but also to the future ones.


Grybauskaite also talked about the security and defence issues. “After a six-year NATO membership, the Baltic region will finally have defence plans, and Germany is one of the countries which have contributed to that, President Dalia Grybauskaite said. "There have been ongoing discussions since last autumn, which have finally led to real defence plans for the Baltic region after its six-year membership. This is a serious achievement," the head of state said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday.


"Germany is one of the countries thanks to which Lithuania will finally have its real defence plans. I think that we will take the decision this autumn," Grybauskaite said. The Lithuanian president said that Lithuania and Germany shared common interest in discussions about the future of NATO, economic cooperation related to Afghanistan's issues. The president also welcomed the fact that "Germany's cargo has found its way to Afghanistan via Klaipeda."


Grybauskaite emphasised that she sought win-win agreements with reference to the NATO Strategic Concept which is to be approved at the summit in Lisbon in November. "It is in the interest of all NATO member states that the new concept would adjust NATO's future to new challenges and threats. NATO should change because the situation changes, similarly as life," Grybauskaite said.


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