Economics, Energy, EU – Baltic States, Investments, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 18.09.2024, 16:48

Grybauskaite: Lithuania-Swedish cooperation important for successful development of the region

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 15.03.2011.Print version
In a meeting with Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė underlined Sweden was one of the key economic partners of Lithuania and the second largest foreign investor in the country, informed BC presidential press service.

Fredrik Reinfeldt and Dalia Grybauskaitė. Vilnius, 15.03.2011.

"Active regional cooperation, good and strong relations with the Nordic countries are among primary priorities of Lithuania's foreign policy. We have a common interest with Sweden and other North European countries, i.e. to ensure successful development of the Baltic Sea region," President Dalia Grybauskaitė said in the meeting. 


According to the President, regional security and sustainable economic development will not be possible unless the Baltic countries have energy independence. Sweden's support both for bilateral projects, such as the NordBalt power link, and in addressing energy security issues on the European level is very important for Lithuania. 


The President pointed out that issues related to competitiveness of the European Unionall must be decided by consulting all 27 EU Member States rather than just euro-zone countries. 


The President thanked the Swedish Prime Minister for giving over back to Lithuania an important archive compiled by Ignas Šeinius, a Lithuanian diplomat of the inter-war period, of documents giving information on efforts by Lithuanian emigrant organizations to restore the State of Lithuania back in 1918 and on Lithuanian diplomatic activities during the years of independence and occupation.

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