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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 05.10.2024, 20:03

Foreign minister of Latvia in Brussels discussed situation in Iran, Myanmar, Syria, Serbia, Kosovo and Belarus

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 24.01.2012.Print version
On Monday, Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics took part in a session of the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels during which the foreign ministers discussed the current situation in Iran, Myanmar, Syria, Serbia, Kosovo, as well as Belarus, LETA was informed by the Foreign Ministry's press and information department.


In light of the European Council's conclusions this past December, and concerns over Iran's continued refusal to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and comply with the UN Security Council’s resolutions, the foreign ministers agreed on extending the scope of EU restrictive measures and broadening existing sanctions against Iran, including an embargo on oil imports.

In response to the deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus, the foreign ministers agreed on broadening the criteria for restrictive measures. Foreign Minister Rinkevics emphasized that the EU must develop an accurate and substantiated mechanism of applying criteria. Rinkevics accentuated that it was important to ensure the assessment on a case-by-case basis. The EU also should put in more effort towards carrying out various educational programs in Belarus. The Latvian foreign minister noted that the EU should achieve a visa facilitation agreement with Belarus. If that proves impossible, Latvia will consider a possibility for a unilateral reduction in visa fees for Belarussian nationals.

The foreign ministers also reviewed the situation in Myanmar and welcomed the efforts of reform undertaken by the country. Rinkevics accentuated that the EU should be ready to respond to the earliest positive changes in Myanmar. Due to this, Latvia supports lifting visa restrictions to separate senior government officials of Myanmar. At the same time, Minister Rinkevics noted that continued political reforms and a democratic election to be held in April are conditional for a full lifting of sanctions.

With regard to the months-long demonstration in Syria, the foreign ministers expressed a strong condemnation and called on Syrian authorities to launch a comprehensive reform process and a national dialogue.

In the discussion on the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, Minister Rinkevics indicated that Latvia supported granting the status of a candidate country to Serbia, because the country has performed remarkable work. The EU should not delay taking a decision on the matter, as that could have a negative impact on the further course of the EU enlargement process.

During lunch, ministers debated the situation in Egypt and the latest development in the Middle East peace process.

In the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council, the Latvian foreign minister also met with the Foreign Minister of Croatia Vesna Pusic. Rinkevics congratulated Croatia on successful results in the referendum on Croatia’s accession to the EU, with 66 percent voting in favor of membership. The minister also made known Latvia’s readiness to share its experience of EU integration. The ministers of both states discussed the agenda of the upcoming NATO Summit in Chicago, including the alliance’s further engagement in Afghanistan and a solution to a permanent airspace policing, as well as building up relationships with NATO partner countries. The ministers agreed to intensify bilateral economic relations, also considering the possibilities of cooperating in the ''Rail Baltica'' project.

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