EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 30.09.2024, 09:19

Latvia fully supports Turkey's accession to EU

BC, Riga, 02.04.2013.Print version
Latvian President Andris Berzins announced during a joint press conference with visiting Turkish President Abdullah Gul today that Latvia fully supports Turkey's accession to the European Union and sees opportunities for both countries to jointly cooperate in establishing relations with the Eastern Partnership countries and the Central Asian countries, writes LETA.

The Turkish president thanked Berzins for the support. He pointed out that Latvian-Turkish relations are excellent, dynamic and show growth.


Berzins in turn thanked Turkey for its contribution to defending Baltic air space.


The Latvian president also noted an unused potential in Latvian-Turkish economic cooperation.


As reported, today, Turkish President Abdullah Gul and First Lady Hayrunnisa Gul arrived on a two-day official visit to Latvia.


Tomorrow, on the second day of the visit, the Turkish president will meet with Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis (Unity) and visit the Riga thermal power station TEC-2.


LETA also reported, the Turkish president was scheduled to visit Latvia last summer, but postponed the visit twice due to illness.

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