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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 14.09.2024, 09:12

Azubalis in Riga: despite Belarus self-isolation, necessary to ensure continuity of Eastern partnership

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 24.08.2012.Print version
During the annual meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Baltic States and Germany held on 23 August in Riga, Lithuania's Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Azubalis and his colleagues discussed the most important issues of EU's economic cooperation with its Eastern neighbours and energy issues, Lithuania's MFA reported BC.

Audronius Azubalis, Guido Westerwelle, Edgars Rinkevics and Urmas Paet. Riga, 23.08.2012. Photo:

Minister Audronius Azubalis, Edgars Rinkevics, Urmas Paet and Guido Westerwelle devoted their attention to the debt crisis in the eurozone countries, as well as to the negotiations on the EU budget for 2014-2020.


According to the head of the Lithuania's diplomacy, agreements on the European Stability Mechanism and Stability and Growth Pact signed this year are the milestones that may help to stabilize financial situation, however, it needs functioning process of the ratification in the Member States.


Minister Azubalis hoped that it will be soon possible to reach a compromise on the multiannual financial framework.


"We believe an agreement on the new financial perspective will be reached by the end of this year and it will reflect Lithuanian position and its arguments", the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs said.


He also invited colleagues from the Baltic States and Germany to come to the third Eastern Partnership Summit, which will take place in Vilnius, during Lithuania's EU Presidency in autumn 2013.


Minister stressed that despite the fact that Belarus has chosen the path of self-isolation, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the Eastern partnership in cooperation with this important EU's neighbour.


"Suspension of Belarusian participation in the Eastern partnership would leave Belarusian people without the option of European perspective", Azubalis emphasized.


Were also discussed energy issues, relations with Russia, the EU Baltic Sea region strategy development issues.


On Thursday, Azubalis, Rinkevics, Paet and Westerwelle also published their joint statement, in which they condemned the occupation of the Baltic States and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.


According to the Minister, Europe has finally (after 73 years!) learned this cruel historical lesson. This meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States and Germany means that Europe is treating its painful past together and unanimously condemns war crimes and crimes against humanity. In particular, it is important that today the Baltic countries all together with Germany are the part of European Community.


Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States and Germany are held on a regular basis every year, since 1996. Next year this meeting will take place in Lithuania.

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