Education and Science
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Friday, 22.11.2024, 02:18
Estonia raises teachers' minimum monthly salary to EUR 1,315
The present minimum salary of teachers totals 1,250 euros; however, the government's action program sets an objective to see teachers' salary growth continued and their work appreciated.
Cities, rural municipalities and owners of private general education schools receive support from the state budget earmarked for teachers' labor costs, which exceeds the minimum salary by 17.1% per teacher position. Resources in the state budget have been planned for this purpose and the average gross salary of teachers is to grow from 1,500 euros to 1,540 euros.
Teachers' real salaries are agreed by owners and heads of schools. The average monthly remuneration of a teacher in a general education school is 1,519 euros, and the average salary of teachers exceeds the average wage in all counties in Estonia.
General education institutions in Estonia number 535, and on Nov. 10, 2019, teacher jobs in basic and upper secondary schools numbered 13,306.
The government's regulation is to take effect on Jan. 1, 2020.