Energy, EU – Baltic States, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 16.09.2024, 06:34

Nord Stream is not an obstacle to Swedllink

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 26.03.2009.Print version
Nord Stream, the projected gas pipeline between Germany and Russia, will not be an obstacle to the electricity link between the Baltic states and Sweden – Swedlink, Foreign Minister Vygaudas Usackas told the news agency ELTA on Thursday.

The news about probable obstacles appeared on Wednesday. At a sitting of a parliamentary committee, Dr Janina Barsiene, scientist of Vilnius University, said that the erection of the electricity link might need permission of the owners of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.


Usackas stated that it should not be a problem.


"We do not think about it as a problem. Lithuania is a responsible country in the region, which highly evaluates and meets environmental requirements and expects other countries to satisfy them as well. Following international practice, we will carry out an environmental assessment and inform the countries in the region about its results. We think that we will be able to implement the project without any obstacles in the nearest future after it is prepared," Usackas said.

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