Ecology, Energy, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Investments

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 22:08

EU funds help close down Ahtme ash fields

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 09.09.2010.Print version
The Estonian government approved on Thursday of the investment plan of closing oil shale energy waste depositing grounds and renovating ash destruction systems for 2010-2013, on the basis of which closing down the Ahtme oil shale ash field will be supported, LETA/Postimees Online reports.

The projected total cost of the oil shale ash depositing grounds of Ahtme heating and power station is nearly 87 mln kroons, of which would be financed by the EEU Cohesion Fund and the rest by the recipient of the support, AS Kohtla-Järve Soojus.


Environment minister Jaanus Tamkivi said that the Ahtme ash field has for years polluted the living environment of residents of the North Eastern Ida-Virumaa region. As the result of the project, the region’s ground water situation will improve and the spread of ash to the environment will decrease.


“In years, plant life can restore there and the area can be opened for general use,” said Tamkivi.


In the framework of living environment development implementation pan, 2.8 bln kroons can be used to restructure waste management. The plan includes closing ash fields, half-coke hills, dumpsters that don’t correspond to requirements etc.

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