Energy, Estonia, Nuclear power plant

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 12:52

Japanese events affect attitude towards nuclear power plants in Estonia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 15.03.2011.Print version
Explosions in the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have created active protest against nuclear energy in Western Europe and Estonian economy and coruscations minister Juhan Parts said that the Estonian government will also have to take into account the change of public opinion, LETA/National Broadcasting reports.

Building a nuclear power plant is in the election programme of the leading Reform Party, and Pro Patria and Res Publica Party (PRU) programme also prescribes corresponding studies.


“We have to take into account the public opinion and it is clear that what is seen on TV affects public opinion,” said Parts (PRU).


Non profit organisation Estonian Nuclear Power Plant CEO Kalev Kallemets (Reform Party) said that most likely the governmental and Riigikogu cannot focus on that field of energy fully this year. “Most likely thorough studies and explanation work has to be done before such a decision can be made,” he noted.


According to studies so far, there are 6 places in Estonia that are suitable for a nuclear power plant. Media has mainly focussed on the Pakri island where the state-owned energy company Eesti Energia has conducted studies too.


Estonian Nature Foundation board chairman Jüri-Ott Salm said that the most important issue is where to store nuclear waste. He added that alternatives should be weighed more thoroughly like hydro-energy and wind energy.


Kallemets responded that Estonia does not have hydro-capacity, any mountain ranges, and oil shale plants and renewable sources of energy are not economical without subsidies. “Nuclear energy is one of the alternatives but there must be clear understanding of the public of that here,” he said.

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