Energy, EU – Baltic States, Investments, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 06.10.2024, 19:43

Azubalis: Sweden – Lithuania's guarantors for energy security

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 28.07.2011.Print version
On 27 July in Vilnius, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Azubalis and outgoing Ambassador of Sweden to Lithuania Ulrika Cronenberg-Mossberg discussed intensive bilateral relations' agenda, economic cooperation and the exclusive role of Sweden in Lithuania's path towards energy independence, reported BC MFA’s press service.

Ulrika Cronenberg-Mossberg and Audronius Azubalis. Vilnius, 28.07.2011. Photo:

"Sweden, as our link to the European energy system, is one of Lithuania's guarantors for energy security. I am glad that the NordBalt is being implemented according to the plan. We also hope for Sweden's attention and cooperation as Lithuania is constructing the new nuclear power plant," Azubalis noted during the meeting, the MFA said.


He thanked the Ambassador for her efforts to maintain close alliance between Lithuania and Sweden, and also close fellowship. The Minister voiced confidence that friendly relations between the two countries would continue to develop just as intensively in the future.


Azubalis described Sweden as one of the stabilizing factors during the economic crisis.


According to the Minister, today this country remains one of the most important trade partners and investors in Lithuania.


"Recently, we have turned a new page of regional cooperation of the Nordic Baltic Eight (NB8) and of the European Union's Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, where Lithuania and Sweden are implementing many joint projects," the Minister said.


The Swedish Ambassador to Lithuania began her tenure in 2008.

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