Energy, Estonia, Gas

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 12:54

Eesti Gaas will start selling electricity

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 04.10.2012.Print version
Estonian natural gas seller Eesti Gaas has an electricity sales licence and plans to start selling electricity at the open market next year, LETA/Postimees cites the company's board member Raul Kotov.

"The aim is, like others have, to start from January 1," he told Postimees. "We will inform consumers in the second half of October or the start of November".


Kotov said that the company could have 5,000 clients the first year. "Market share could be below 10%, it could hardly be bigger," he said.


Eesti Gaas has 42,000 home consumers and 1,600 companies among their natural gas clients, as well as representations in ten towns and cities. "Our advantage is that we can offer things together," said Kotov. "We can offer electricity to clients that use gas, that is our chance".


Eesti Gaas hopes to sell electricity primarily to home consumers and smaller companies.


Besides Eesti Gaas and Eesti Energia, Elektrum, Imatra Elekter, VKG Elektrivõrgud, 220 Energia and Elektrimüügi AS have announced that they would sell electricity to small consumers at the open market next year.

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