Budget, Estonia, Financial Services

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 02.10.2024, 05:12

FinMin: Estonia’s budget deficit was 1.7% in 2009

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 04.03.2010.Print version
Estonian finance minister Jürgen Ligi announced at the government press conference on Thursday the initial estimate of the ministry to the government sector budget deficit in 2009 was 1.7%, LETA/EPL Online reports. “According to our initial estimates, it was 1.7% of the gross domestic product or a total of 3.7 bln kroons,” said Ligi. In order for Estonia to fulfil the Maastricht criteria, Estonia has to have had a deficit below 3% of GDP.

The finance ministry had forecast earlier that the 2009 deficit could be around 2.6%. Ligi said that the fact that the deficit figure was even below 2% showed the effectiveness of the cost-cutting measures implemented by the state.


“Current budget deficit started last year falling in September and fell especially fast in December. The result shows that the cost-cutting measures implemented by Estonia wee even better than hoped,” said Ligi.


The finance ministry estimate isn’t what Brussels will use to establish whether Estonia is ready to adopt the euro. That figure will be revealed in less than a month by the Statistical Office. The minister stressed that the Statistical Office’s figure might be different from their since the Statistical Office takes into consideration the change of total GDP, for example.


Still, the finance ministry estimates gives hope that the final deficit figure will be below 3%.


Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said, commenting upon the initial estimate, that he sees a problem in the local municipalities budget deficit, which reached 1.4 bln kroons last year while Tallinn and Pärnu contributed a billion kroons of it.

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