Budget, Estonia, Financial Services, Taxation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 05.02.2025, 14:02

Estonia collected 104% planned budget year revenue in 2010

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 27.01.2011.Print version
According to the Estonian Ministry of Finance, the state budget received 87.8 billion kroons (5.61 billion euro) of revenue in 2010, which is 103.8% of the amount planned, Äripäev.ee/LETA reports.

Spending from the state budget amounted to 87.6 billion kroons (5.6 billion euros) – 95.8%% of the amount planned for the year.


The main reason for the higher income than planned was considerably better revenues from selling pollution quota than planned and better collection of VAT. The lower than planned use of expenses was caused mainly by not fulfilling the foreign means payment plans, by lower volumes of operating costs and investments.


Estonia collected 87.8 billion kroons (5.61 billion euros) in the budget – 63.4 billion kroons (4.1 billion euros) in tax revenue (102.7% of annual plan) and 24.4 billion kroons (1.6 billion euros) in non-tax revenue (107.1%).


In December, 8.2 bln kroons (523 million euros) or 9.7% of the annual volume was collected. Spending in December amounted to 10 billion kroons (636.8 million euros).


Of the 87.6 billion kroons (5.6 billion euros) spending in 2010, the biggest spending article was principal social benefits – a total of 37 billion kroons (2.4 billion euros).

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