Budget, Financial Services, Latvia, Legislation, Society

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 09.09.2024, 23:17

Reirs names fiscal discipline and reducing inequality as his priorities in Latvia

BC, Riga, 04.11.2014.Print version
Janis Reirs (Unity), who has been offered the post of the finance minister in the next government of Latvia, says that his priorities will include ensuring fiscal discipline and reducing inequality, as Reirs (Unity) said in an interview with LETA.

He believes it important for the praiseworthy initiatives of the current government to continue, one of which is stringent fiscal discipline. "We must make sure that we spend no more than we earn," Reirs said. Previous years have demonstrated that meaningless spending does not lead to anything good. The country requires stable and viable finances, as well as investments provided by the European Union funds, the politician explained.

According to Reirs, another important problem is the major social inequality. This issue must be solved by in two steps - first, by increasing the minimum wage, and second, by increasing the untaxed minimum for low income earners. "I am also considering progressive untaxed minimum. We will raise the untaxed minimum at a much faster rate for those who receive lower wages, whereas those who earn more will not be applied the untaxed minimum at all," the politician said.

Reirs added that it would be better for the government to start the work on the 2015 budget as soon as possible.

The new government of Laimdota Straujuma (Unity) will be confirmed on Wednesday.

Since 2010, Reirs was the chairman of Saeima's Budget and Finance (Taxation) Committee. From 2004 to 2006, he was the minister of electronic government affairs.

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