Cargo, China, Good for Business, Lithuania, Russia, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 29.03.2025, 10:58

Lithuanian Railways signs deal for Chinese freight transportation via Sestokai station

BC, Vilnius, 20.04.2017.Print version
Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) has signed an agreement with OTLK, a company set up by Russian, Kazakh and Belarusian railway administrations, that will open the way for freight from China to reach Western Europe via Sestokai, a transshipment hub at the Lithuanian-Polish border, reports LETA/BNS.

The agreement, signed on Tuesday, will make it possible to offer competitive terms and conditions for freight transportation between China and Poland via through Sestokai, the state railway company said on Wednesday.

"China has a huge freight potential. Market specialists estimate that the number of freight trains between China and Europe may increase several times within the next decade," Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai CEO Mantas Bartuska said.

"Lithuania is in a good position to take a significant place on the future transport map," he said.

So far, only several trains from China have traveled via Lithuania on an irregular basis. Following the signing of the agreement with OTLK, it is planned that a pilot train will start running by this summer and efforts will be made to launch a regular container service at a later stage.

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