Cargo, China, Containers, Good for Business, Lithuania, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 30.03.2025, 00:05

This year's 1st train from China coming to Lithuania

BC, Vilnius, 05.06.2017.Print version
This year's first transit train from China is coming to Lithuania on Monday, reports LETA/BNS.

Arriving at the Kena railway station, the train carries cargo for factories in Western Europe, Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways, or LG), the state-run railway company, said.

According to the press release, the number of trains from China to Europe should triple in the coming years, with part of the cargo traveling via Lithuania.

Lithuania expects about 15-20 trains from China this year.

LG said cooperation with China's logistics companies was intensifying, with cooperation started with the country's largest transport enterprises, including Sinotrans, CMG, CAMCe, Gentrans, etc.

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