Direct Speech, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Good for Business, Legislation, Taxation, Transport
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Saturday, 29.03.2025, 01:02
Estonia plans to bring more ships under Estonian flag

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In 2003, this number was decreased
to 11 vessels and in 2012 to 4 vessels. From April 2014, there are no above 500
GT merchant vessels sailing under Estonian flag in international traffic. This
does not mean that cargo ships have disappeared from Estonia. Estonian ship
owners are operating around 60 merchant vessels but these are registered in
ship registries of other states than Estonia. Most of these vessels are
currently sailing under the flag of Malta (ca 20 ships). The law of the state
flag of which it sails under, that includes the administration and tax
policies, governs vessel.
In Estonia, there are more than 10
000 seagoing seafarers. Of them, ca 4000 are working on ships sailing under
Estonian flag. The rest are working on vessels sailing under foreign flags.
Estonian government is therefore unable to collect relevant taxes from these 60
Estonian capital owned vessels and more than 6000 sailors. Additionally, many
seafarers, sailing on vessels under foreign flags, have no social insurance.
The reason of mentioned problem is simple to maritime experts – apart from
other Baltic Sea countries Estonian government is not offering any tax
exemption for ship owners. In EU, making tax exemptions is allowed only for
agricultural and maritime sector. EU Commission allows its member countries to
support their maritime industries and, therefore, member states have the right
to apply for “state aid” conditions that have been stated in Commission
document “Community guidelines on State aid to maritime transport“ [Commission
Communication C(2004) 43].
During 2002-2016, the leading
coalition partner in Estonian governments has been Estonian Reform Party (EPL),
political party representing liberal ideology. Concerning their economic
policy, EPL has principally been against creating any tax exemptions, standing
up for equable and proportional taxation environment. Simple and equable tax
system can be very reasonable in free competition environment, but in the
situation of state aided international business, competition may run to serious
competitive disadvantage for entrepreneurs being the residents of country not
applying fiscal incentives. Therefore, the current tax levels are too high for
Estonian ship owners and operators, who are not able to compete with other
enterprises operating their vessels under flags with more favourable taxation
environment. For clear economic reasons majority of Estonian ships have
registered under the flags of other states having notably more advantageous
shipping related fiscal policies and better possibilities for retaining
international competitiveness. Estonian Maritime Administration has dealt with
the development of a plan aiming to bring more cargo ships under Estonian flag
already more than five years (since 2012). Currently this has also become one
of the priorities of the new Estonian governmental coalition (since November
2016). For fulfilling this task, governmental working group was created
connecting representatives from Estonian Maritime Administration, Ministries of
Economic Affairs & Communications, Finance, Justice and Social Affairs.
Working group findings and proposals
about which changes are needed for increasing the number of ships in Estonian
Ship registry and how these will affect state economy and social expenditures
both in short and long term perspective were presented to Estonian government
in May 2017. On 17th of July 2017 Estonian government decided to bring to
effect necessary cardinal changes for shipping sector development. The analysis
of the working group has showed that Estonian Republic has expectations to be
much bigger flag state and have much more shore sector than today. One average
merchant vessel sailing under Estonian flag could bring up-to 20-25 thousand
euros yearly to Estonian economy through the register fees, issuance of
certificates and other activities. Conditions of Estonian flag state will be
made attractive to ship owners and operators in three aspects: ship registry
conditions and operations, taxation of maritime labour and simplified use of
foreign workforce. Principally, ship registers are divided into two groups. At
first, open registers where, in addition to resident ship owners, also foreign
ship owners can register their vessels. Secondly, closed registers, registering
of vessels that should be administrated by a greater or lesser extent from the
territory of the flag state. Currently, Estonia uses closed register system,
high workforce taxes and complicated use of foreign workforce, which all make
up quite an unattractive package for ship owners. The governments’ decision
foresees principal reconstruction of current system so that two ship registers
– both open and closed – will be created. Different conditions concerning the
ship owners’ residency country, amount of registry fees and tax exemptions will
be implemented. Therefore, the ship owners outside Estonia can also register
and manage their vessels under Estonian flag.
At the same time, ship(s) owning
company should be registered in Estonia. This dissention is solved with the
Estonian e-residency, simplifying establishment of companies in Estonia,
simultaneously retaining control possibilities for government institutions and
retaining the genuine link as required by UNCLOS. In the future, Estonian ship
register should be digital, meaning that vessels’ data is available via cloud
computing, submitting and processing of registration and survey applications is
digital / remotely accessible both for Estonian and foreign clients. This
eliminates the need for physical travelling for representatives of ship owner
for registration purposes and also having permanent physical representative of
ship owner in Estonia is not required.
Additionally, maritime labour
taxation will be lowered. The lower level taxable base will be applied. This
means, that income and social taxes will be charged only from base ceiling of
750 euros instead of full salary. Employers would not pay for health insurance,
only seafarers would be given the opportunity to purchase state health
insurance for themselves. In addition to Estonian citizens, these tax changes
will also affect seafarers from the other regions of European Economic Area
because of EU equal treatment rules. Also the requirements of international
conventions regulating rights of seafarers from third countries should be
followed. A tonnage tax will be introduced as an alternative to corporate
income tax for shipping companies. While this would be exceptional in the
current Estonian tax system, it is already commonplace elsewhere in Europe.
Shipping companies could thus decide whether to pay the typical 20 percent tax
on withdrawn profits or a tonnage tax at yet undetermined rate based on a
vessel’s gross tonnage. Estonian regular corporate tax system, where only
distributed dividends are taxed, is attractive for the young, rapidly growing
companies and tonnage tax system is attractive for mature companies paying
regular dividends. These principal decisions of Estonian government will be
followed by related legislation and administrative changes. New ship registry
and taxation environment is planned to start from 1 January 2019. Proceeding
from the fact that each seafarer creates 2-3 jobs on the shore, the enlargement
of number of ships sailing under Estonian flag benefits the whole local maritime
sector. In longer perspective, planned changes will contribute to increasing
labour tax revenues from shore sector and overall development of Estonian
maritime sector.