Airport, Estonia, Good for Business, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 13.03.2025, 21:28

Turnover of Tallinn Airport grew by 10% in 2010

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 29.03.2011.Print version
Tallinn Airport's turnover was 25.93 million euros in 2010 which was 10% more as compared to a previous year, reports LETA/BBN referring to Aripaev.

The company ended the last year with a profit of two million euros. In comparison, in 2009 the result was a profit of 0.4 million euros.


As Anneli Turkin, the Board Member of Tallinn Airport, emphasized, last year the airports managed by Tallinn Airport served a total of 1.45 million passengers which was 5% more than in 2009.


As LETA reported, the world's first Skype phone booth was opened in the Tallinn Airport on March 21; there one can call free-of-charge to others Skype users.

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