Energy, Estonia, Good for Business, Investments

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 15:59

Eesti Energia produced the first shale oil at its new factory

BC, Tallinn, 21.12.2012.Print version
Estonian state-owned energy company Eesti Energia launched its new generation oil plant in Auvere, North East Estonia on Thursday and produced the first barrel of shale oil there, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

Eesti Energia said that the technology used in the Enefit280 plant is more effective, environment-friendly and powerful than earlier ones.


Construction of the new plant started in spring of 2010 and lasted for two years. 206 million euros has been invested in building the plant.


One Enefit280 oil factory adds nearly 2 million barrels of oil shale oil and 75 million cubic metres of gas to Eesti Energia's production capacity a year. 80 people will start working in the plant.


By 2016, Eesti Energia wants to build two more Enefit280 oil factories and a refinery.

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