Baltic States – CIS, Containers, Estonia, Good for Business, Port, Railways, Transport
International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics
Friday, 07.03.2025, 03:10
Muuga-Kaluga container train route was festively opened

The preparations of the major project, preliminary negotiations with Mitsubishi and testing the supply chain lasted for four years.
"We thank the Port of Tallinn and Transiidikeskus who have conducted serious preliminary work. It is hard to underestimate their contribution to the project. 722 containers and 66 pallets had arrived in Muuga as of yesterday. In the future the cargo volumes will grow considerably," said Mitsubishi Kaluga plant deputy director Masayuki Imada.
Port of Tallinn board chairman Ain Kaljurand stressed that Muuga-Kaluga container train project is one of the biggest and most voluminous logistics projects that Estonia has ever carried out.
Transiidikeskus board chairman Erik Laidvee said that the container terminal is ready to offer higher quality stevedoring services.
Äripäev wrote that only a few industrial giants that belong to the Fortune 500 operate in Estonia but Transiidikeskus, managed by Erik Laidvee, managed to attract Mitsubishi here. Yesterday, the container train route was opened, via which Mitsubishi spare parts are sent from the Muuga terminal to the assembly plant in Kaluga. Three container trains pass through the terminal each week, which are not big volumes but it is more an event of symbolic nature. It is a compliment to Estonian logistics, expeditors, railway operators. In a field where everything has to run smoothly, the transaction shows that we are being trusted, the daily concluded.