Baltic Export, Foodstuff, Good for Business, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 30.09.2024, 11:24

Pure Chocolate changes logo and visual identity

BC, Riga, 12.03.2013.Print version
In 2013 the company SIA Pure Chocolate has started the year 2013 with the change of our logo and new visual identity. It refers to our corporate style and our product packaging. "With this step we intend to promote recognizability of the company products and increase the company turnover," says Peteris Žimants, chairman of the Board of SIA Pure Chocolate.

SIA Pure Chocolate is going to distribute products with the new brand both in Latvian and export markets. In 2012 the company sold 60% of its products in Latvia and 40% – in export markets. At present Pure Chocolate exports the products to 17 countries, the most significant of them are Russia, Scandinavia, Australia and Japan. "I would like to emphasize Japan, as this country is a very complicated market", reveals P. Žimants. The aims of this year include new market development, including launch of export to such large countries as Poland and Germany.


Along with change of the logo the company also changes the design of product packaging, providing a noticeable and readable brand of the product manufacturer, a comprehensible visual and wordy taste code of the product and a unified visual stylistics for all product groups. "Brand recognizability on a supermarket shelf among hundreds of products of other manufacturers is one of keys to success we are heading for. The main stage in development of new packaging designs has been achieved – we have created a strong core – a logo," says P. Žimants.


Visual appearance of the new logo is based on the circle as one of the most common and most recognisable shapes in nature; its circular lines symbolise and emphasize such core values as development and motion which relate to core values of the company activities. A circle as a shape is strongly connected to SIA Pure Chocolate basic products – chocolate truffles. "The new logo emphasizes the geographical location of the company – Pure, where we manufacture filled and decorated chocolate sweets using Belgian chocolate – with unique taste nuances offered by the company all over the world," says P. Žimants.


The products with new design solutions are planned to be gradually introduced in the market in the first half of 2013. In addition to the aforesaid changes, the company is planning to launch new products in the chocolate category and to offer favourite chocolate truffles in new packaging this year.


Last year the company increased production and sales volumes – in 2012 SIA Pure Chocolate manufactured eleven million truffles. To compare – five million truffles were produced in 2011. This year the company is planning to produce 22 million truffles.


SIA Pure Chocolate was founded in 2007. The main products manufactured by the company are chocolate truffles made from high-quality dark and milk chocolate from Belgian manufacturer Belcolade, with filling made from local raw materials and decoration made from pieces of natural fruit and berries.


Owners of the company are Peteris Zimants (37.70% of capital shares), Aivars Zimants (35.59%), Liga Zimante (23.92%) and Ainars Berzins (2.79%).

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