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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 08.01.2025, 05:16

Cargo handling in the Baltic Eastern Coast Seaports grew by 3.9% in 2 months

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 26.03.2013.Print version
In January-February 2013, the overall cargo handling in the Baltic Eastern Coast Seaports totalled 55121,2 thou. tn; the year-on-year change is +3,9% or +2 069,2 thou. tn, reports BC Klaipeda port’s press service.

Cargo handling in Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in thousand tons



Yoy change


Yoy change in thou. tn

01-02 of 2012

01-02 of 2013


53 052,0



+2 069,2


13 133,4

11 182,0


-1 951,4

Ust Luga

4 506,8

8 379,5


+3 872,7

Klaipėda Port and  Būtingės terminal

6 674,9

7 729,8


+1 054,9

Saint Petersburg

8 179,8

7 943,4




5 362,0

5 466,0




6 190,8

5 471,9




5 659,5

5 383,4




2 160,9

2 421,9









1 028,4









 n. d. – no data submitted.

Container handling in Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in thousand tons, TEU



Yoy change


Yoy change in thou. tn

01-02of 2012

01-02 of 2013

Saint Petersburg

370 337

379 946


+9 609


46 524

49 447


+2 923

Klaipėda Port 

58 080

62 879


+4 799







36 556

38 788


+2 232

Ust Luga


4 766

+10 k.

+4 290











n. d. – no data submitted.


In PRIMORSK PORT 11 182,0 thou. tn of oil and oil products, i.e. less by -15,0% or by 1 951,4 thou. tn than in January – February of 2012 were handled. Primorsk Port handles exclusively oil and oil products. Throughout the analysed period 9 698,2 thou. tn of crude oil (-19,0% or -2 235,9 thou. tn yoy) and 1 483,8 thou. tn of oil products (+24,0% or +284,5 thou. tn yoy) were handled in the Port.


In the SEAPORT of SAINT - PETERSBURG totally 7 943,4 thou. tn of cargo were handled; the change was -3,0% or less by -236,4 thou. tn than during the corresponding period of 2012. Containerised cargoes constitute 43,6% of the total cargo handling (3 465,4 thou. tn were handled;  yoy change was -5,0% or -192,7 thou. tn). Oil products constitute 18,7% ( 1 488,0 thou. tn were handled;  yoy change was +1,0% or +16,2 thou. tn), metal  constitutes 12,6% (1 001,8 thou. tn were handled; yoy change was -14,0% or -174,0 thou. tn) and fertilizers constitute 8,6% of the total cargo handling volumes.  Reefer cargoes marked the increase by 25% to 326,6 thou. tn that were handled in January - February of 2013.


UST-LUGA PORT totally handled 8 379,5 thou. tn of cargo; the year-on-year change was +86,0% or +3 872,7 thou. tn. Such a rapid growth in cargo handling turnover was determined by the increased handling rates of cargoes that cut out the largest share of the overall turnover of this Port: 5 238,7 thou. tn. of crude oil and oil products were handled; the yoy change was 1,7 times, coal handling increased by +19% or by +383,4 thou. tn to 2 353,6 thou. tn in January – February of 2013.   The highest negative cargo handling rates in January – February of 2013 occurred due to decreased metal handling turnover. Only 143,1 thou. tn of metal were handled; the year-on -year change was -31,0% or -64,5 thou. tn.


The overall turnover in the PORT of VYSOTSK within the analysed period was 2 421,9 thou. tn; the year-on-year change made +12,0% or +261,0 thou. tn.  This port handles only two categories of cargo. Oil products constitute the largest share in the overall turnover of the Port, i.e., 70,9%  Throughout the analysed period 1 718,4 thou. tn of oil products were handled, i.e. the handling rates decreased by -1,0% or by -21,2 thou. tn year-on-year. Volumes of coal handling were 703,5 thou. tn; the change was +67,0% or +282,2 thou. tn year-on-year.

The total throughput of Klaipėda Port and in Būtingės terminal in January- February of 2013 totalled 7,73 mln. tn of seaborne cargo, the total change of cargo handling turnover was +15,8% if to compare with the corresponding period of 2012.  The cargo handling turnover in Klaipėda Port within the analysed period reached 6,13 mln. tn, the year-on-year change was  +16,3% or +0,86 mln.  tn, meanwhile 1,6 mln. tn of cargo were handled at  Butingės terminal, the year-on-year change making +13,9% or +0,2 mln. tn. 


Comparing with the corresponding period of 2012 the most significant growth of cargo handling volumes in January – February of 2013 was reached due to increased handling rates of dry and bulk cargoes (the growth reached 41,3% comparing with the corresponding period of 2012) including  agriculture products (+522,4 thou. tn yoy), raw sugar (bulk)  (+134,5 thou. tn yoy),  natural and chemical fertilizers (+115,5 thou. tn yoy) and raw and processed minerals and construction materials (+93,0 thou. tn yoy).


In terms of cargo groups the handling volumes of liquid cargo marked the total increase in Klaipeda Seaport and at Butingės Terminal by 11,9% yoy to 3 598,8 thou. tn.


The drop of dry and bulk cargo handling volumes by 3% in Klaipeda Seaport has started from the very  beginning of the year. Only 1 654,1 thou. tn were handled in January – February of 2013 ( 27,0% of overall Port handling turnover). The handling rates of cargoes belonging to this cargo group have been dramatically dropping down: the handling volumes of natural and chemical fertilizers (packed) decreased by 21,7%, the handling volumes of timber and forest products decreased by 20,2%, the handling volumes of iron, steel products and metal constructions decreased by 18,7% and the handling volumes of frozen products dropped down by 10,2%


The handling turnover of containerised cargoes increased by 8,3% if to compare with the corresponding period of 2012, i.e. 62 879 TEU  were handled, but in terms of tonnage the handling turnover decreased by 3,3% comparing with January - February of 2012. The growth of Ro-Ro cargo turnover has remained the same and has increased by 3%, while calculating both in units (38 580 units were handled) and in terms of tonnage (743,8 thou. tn were handled).


 1124 vessels were reported to call Klaipėda Port and Būtingės terminal in January – February of 2013. 16 vessels (+14,3% or more by 2 vessels yoy) moored at Būtingės terminal. Klaipėda Seaport received 1108 vessels (more by 9,1% yoy) including:


- 740 international vessels (less by 22 vessels or by 2,8% year-on-year)

-  368 domestic ships (more by 114 ships or by 0,1% yoy). 

The number of passengers within the analysed period was 33 976, i.e. less by 5,7% or by 2 069 passengers comparing with the corresponding period of the previous year.


The total throughput in the PORT of TALLINN in January –February of the current year was 5 383,4 thou. tn; the change was -4,9% or -276,1 thou. tn year-on-year. Oil products (4 074,7 thou. tn were handled; the year-on-year change was +6,7% or +255,9 thou. tn),  Ro-Ro cargoes (550,9 thou. tn were handled; the year-on-year change was -7,4% or -44,0 thou. tn), containerized cargoes (274,6 thou. tn were handled; the year-on-year change was +1,1% or +3,0 thou. tn) and fertilizers (149,7 thou. tn were handled; the year-on-year change was -36,8% or -145,4 thou. tn) constitute the basic share of overall cargo flow in the Port of Tallinn.


 Passenger traffic. This year the Joint Port of Tallinn rendered services to 1 084,0 thou. passengers; the change was 4,3% year-on-year, or +45,1 thou. passengers.


Vessels. 1067 vessels were reported to call the Port of Tallinn, i.e. less by 13 vessels or by 1,2% comparing with the corresponding period of 2012. The Port rendered services to 333 cargo ships ( the yoy change was -1,8% or less by 6 ships)  and to 734 passenger ships; the yoy change was -0,9% or less by 7 ships.


The aggregate throughput of RIGA PORT totalled 5 471,9 thou. tn; the change was -11,6% year– on - year or -718,9 thou. tn. In January-February of 2013 coal and oil products constituted the largest share in the overall handling volumes in this Port (40,0% and 24,6% respectively).


The reduced flow of these cargo categories made the greatest impact on the cargo  handling turnover in the Port of Riga:  oil products ( decreased by -15,9% or by -256,0 thou. tn yoy to 1 350,6 thou. tn), coal (decreased by -14,9% or by -366,2 thou. tn yoy to 2 094,8 thou. tn).


In January – February of 2013 the handling rates of fertilizers (+35,4% or +70,0 thou. tn yoy to 273,9 thou. tn), containers (+4,2% or +24,7 thou. tn yoy to 619,0 thou. tn) marked the increase.


Passenger traffic. The Freeport of Riga received 98 078 passengers; the year-on-year change was -0,4% or -347 passengers. The number of cruise line passengers was 5 054; the yoy change was +51,2% or +1 712 passengers.


The cargo handling turnover in the SEAPORT OF VENTSPILS decreased by -1,9% or by -104,0 thou. tn. year-on-year which altogether totalled 5 466,0 thou. tn. The dominating cargo categories in the Seaport of Ventspils were as follows:  oil products that amounted to 2 985,0 thou. tn in January – February of 2013; the year-on-year change was +3,0% or +88,0 thou. tn. and coal that amounted to 1 569,0 thou. tn with year –on year change +8,1% or +118,0 thou. tn.


In January- February of 2013 the handling rates of fertilizers dropped dramatically (159,0 thou. tn were handled; the yoy change was -124,0 thou. tn or -44,4%).


Passenger traffic. 6 564 was the number of passengers calling the Port of Ventspils in January-February of 2013; the year-on-year change was -10,12% or -739 passengers.


Vessels. In total the Port rendered services to 284 vessels; the year-on-year change was -2,4 pct, or -7 vessels


The total throughput in the PORT of LIEPAJA reached 972 thou. tn; the year-on-year change was -5,5% or -56,4 thou. tn. Grain handling cut out the largest share of handling volumes of this port. In January - February of 2013 the Port handled 334,4 thou. tn of grain; the year-on-year change was  23,9% or 105,3 thou. tn. The handling turnover of metal increased twice (164,2 thou. tn were handled; the year-on-year change was +84,5%).  


The handling of scrap metal marked a considerable slow down – 41,2 thou. tn were handled; the change was -72,6 thou. tn or -36,2%


Passenger traffic.  The number of passengers calling the Port of Liepaja was 6 458; the year-on-year change was +41,0%  or +1 887 passengers.


Vessels. In total the Port rendered services to 245 vessels, i.e. less by 19 vessels if to compare with the corresponding period of the previous year. 

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