Estonia, Good for Business, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 08.09.2024, 02:25

EVR Cargo's transport volume grew by 5.8% in March

BC, Tallinn, 09.04.2014.Print version
The cargo volume transported by the Estonian state-owned railway cargo transport company EVR Cargo reached 1.5 mln tonnes in March, which is by 5.8% more than at the same time last year, LETA/Postimees Online reports.

The first quarter total volume, 4.7 million tonnes, is by 7% less than at the same time last year.


EVR Cargo board chairman Ahto Altjõe said that the March result was a positive one but it doesn’t herald a longer term positive trend yet. He said that as compared to the growth in Port of Tallinn cargo volumes, the growth figure of EVR Cargo was very modest and shows that oil products move more and more by the sea and transport of oil products by railways will continue decreasing.


Transport of mineral liquid fuels grew in March by 3.8% to 0.75 mln tonnes, transport of fertilisers by 42.5% to 0.28 mln tonnes and mineral solid fuels by 156% to 39,000 tonnes year-on-year.


Transit cargo transport formed 74% of all cargo volume, growing by 13% to 1.11 mln tonnes in a year.


Container cargo transport continued to grow, by a fifth year-on-year to 6,638 TEU.


In the first three months of the year, EVR Cargo has transported 4.5 mln tonnes of cargo, by 7% less than at the same time last year. Oil products' volume has fallen by 16% to 2.15 mln tonnes. Container turnover was 18,593 TEU, by 2% more than a year ago.

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