Estonia, Markets and Companies, Tourism

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 17:17

Top 50 restaurants chosen in Estonia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 20.05.2010.Print version
The best 50 restaurants have been chosen in Estonia on May 19. The canteens were ranked on the basis of the opinions of key employees in Estonian restaurants.

Restaurant managers, chefs and sommeliers each individually listed the five best restaurants of their choice. The employees of each restaurant listed as the best restaurants by any of the evaluators were given a chance to express their opinions as well. The top 50 restaurants in Estonia represent the aggregate of all the opinions involved, informs LETA.


Though simple, the method is very effective. Restaurants keep a close eye on the activities of each other. Any change for the better or worse is pinpointed well before it becomes obvious for clients.


Also, the ranking is highly democratic. The best does not stand only for the priciest haute gastronomy, but for the recognition by colleagues and competitors that depends neither on the type of the eating place nor the underlying business model.


As organisers of the event note, the list of good restaurants in Estonia could be considerably wider.


Compared to 2009, the current year has brought along several important changes for the Estonian diners. During the years of economic development, customers blamed the restaurants for trying to be identical – i.e expensive and good, infoms EEsti Maitsed.


Therefore, it was the right time to change the evaluation categories for the diners. From now on, the best fine dining restaurants will be chosen separately from others. Another difference is that evaluation will be carried out not on the local level, but nationwide. Each category winner is the best restaurant in the whole country.




  1. Alexander
  2. Ö
  3. Tchaikovsky
  4. Egoist
  5. Horisont
  6. Bordoo
  7. Stenhus
  8. Vertigo
  9. Ammende villa
  10. Antonius

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