Estonia, Markets and Companies, Telecomunications

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 30.09.2024, 16:24

Profit of Starman in Estonia reached 13.2 mln kroons in 2009

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 16.06.2010.Print version
Telecommunications enterprise Starman earned 13.2 million kroons in net profits in 2009, writes LETA/Postimees Online. This is by 66.9 million kroons better than the result achieved in 2008.

FCO of Starman Piret Raudsepp stated that the net profits were mostly decreased by depreciation and financial expenses. She said, however, that the enterprise was satisfied with the profits earned.


On the basis of the annual financial report, Starman’s sales revenue grew last year by 9.4%, amounting to 387 million kroons. Most of the turnover – 165.6 million kroons – was generated in the cable television segment. The revenue in this segment fell, however, by 15.2 million kroons in comparison to the year 2008.


The growth in turnover in the terrestrial digital television services was the fastest last year – it generated 43.6 million kroons in turnover, growing by 18.1 million kroons.

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