Internet, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 21:36 earned LVL 27,943 in 2007

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 05.09.2008.Print version
In 2007, the owners of the popular Latvian Internet portal '''' – Draugiem Ltd., earned LVL 27,943 in profit, as the Registry of Enterprises' Lursoft data reveals.

This is a major decrease in profit when compared to 2006, when the company earned LVL 525,375 in profit, reports LETA.


Last year, the company achieved LVL 2,332,124 million in turnover. In 2006, the company achieved LVL 1,525,097 million in turnover.


In 2005, '''' earned LVL 202,496 in profit and achieved LVL 320,851 in turnover.


At the moment, a total of 2,363 million users have registered on the social portal ''''.

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