Baltic States – CIS, Latvia, Legislation, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Telecomunications

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 15.01.2025, 06:47

PBK takes controversial program off the air in Baltics

BC, Riga, 11.10.2013.Print version
Media holding company Baltijas Mediju alianse has taken the program "Chelovek i zakon" (Man and the Law), aired by the Russian-language television channel "Pervij Baltijskij kanal" (PBK), off the air in all three Baltic countries effective today, as Baltijas Mediju alianse press secretary Edzus Vejins told LETA.

PBK will not air the program until it is thoroughly evaluated by the authorities, said Vejins.


As reported, the Lithuanian Radio and Television demanded that PBK withdraw the program's offensive and untrue interpretation of the January 1991 events in Lithuania, which the television channel aired on October 4. Latvian National Electronic Mass Media Council has launched a probe into the controversial broadcast, noting that Article 24 of the Law on Electronic Media has been breached, which states that electronic media outlets must ensure that facts are presented honestly, objectively and in accordance with ethical principles, writes


On January 13, 1991, in an attempt to overthrow the new Lithuanian government, Soviet special forced moved into downtown Vilnius to capture the TV tower and clashed with crowds of government supporters, killing at least 14 and injuring 600 civilians.


Meanwhile, the mentioned broadcast by PBK maintained that there were no casualties that could be blamed on Soviet troops, and that the "whole affair is just a provocation made up by the Lithuanian authorities."

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