Airport, Lithuania, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 13.03.2025, 18:57

New airline company might be established in Lithuania

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 18.02.2009.Print version
A new airline company might be established to improve the situation of Lithuania"s aviation. It would be largely controlled by the state. The department of civil aviation at the Ministry of Transport and Communications is currently preparing a preliminary feasibility study on the establishment of such airline company.

Vilnius Airport.

The possibilities of the new airline company were discussed at the first sitting of the public working group for aviation issues held at the Ministry of transport and Communications on Wednesday, writes ELTA.


"The priority of the Transport Ministry is the increase in the number of destinations and flights performed from Vilnius International Airport and convenience concerning the connection to the capital of the country. Thus, we would like to assess the current situation and possible strategic decisions appropriately and hear the opinion of our colleagues at various institutions," Deputy Transport Minister Arunas Staras said.


More specific actions are intended to be discussed after the members of the working group are given more details about the situation in Lithuanian aviation, economic evaluations and acquainted with the feasibility study on the expansion of airports in the country commissioned by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Ekonomines Konsultacijos ir Tyrimai is to submit the feasibility study by February 20.

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