Estonia, Port, Tourism, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 08.09.2024, 05:39

Port of Tallinn freight turnover drops 17.4% in May

BC, Tallinn, 07.06.2016.Print version
Altogether 1.7 million tons of goods passed through the ports of Estonia's state-owned Port of Tallinn in May, 17.4% less than in the same month last year, informs BNS/LETA.

While freight volumes declined, the number of passengers who passed through the ports during the month increased by 5% on year to 938,000. Passengers in the five months from January to May numbered 3.5 million, 6% more than in the same period in 2015, the port company said.

Cargoes handled in the first five months of the year totaled 8.8 million tons, marking a reduction of 15.5%. As before, the drop largely was the result of smaller amounts of liquid cargoes handled. Also mixed cargoes declined in year-to-year comparison.

Bulk cargoes, containers and rolling stock meanwhile registered increases, mainly as a result of bigger amounts of chippings, foodstuffs and means of transport passing through the ports.

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