Airport, Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 12.03.2025, 17:38

FlyLAL to build its passenger terminal next to Vilnius Airport

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 26.06.2008.Print version
The Government intends to allow the private company FlyLAL to build its passenger terminal in the Vilnius airport without a contest.

Vilnius Airport.

This exemption will lead to changes in company laws, having aviation and strategic significance for national security. But this will be applied only for the national carrier, who has its land at the airport, writes ELTA.


According to the prime minister Gediminas Kirkilas, the exceptional permit will be given only for the national carrier and only due to the right for 2 ha of land for old buildings of the company, situated next to the airport.


The prime minister does not deny that with the further expansion of the airport, other private companies would be able to establish there.


Owners of FlyLAL admit that the decision of the Government to allow the construction of the private terminal would considerably improve the financial condition of the company, because there would be no need to pay taxes for the national airport.


Several years ago, after the privatization, the national air company expressed the wish to have its own terminal.


However, owners of the company, with real estate business representatives had difficulty in persuading the Transport and Communications Ministry as well as airport that one more terminal is needed next to the new passenger terminal.


FlyLAL promises to build the terminal, which cost 100 million litas (28.96 million euros), in one year.

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