Corruption, Financial Services, Latvia, Legislation, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 17.12.2024, 04:42

Martins Lauva named as suspect in latest CPB corruption case in Latvia

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 24.10.2011.Print version
The former board chairman of the road construction and maintenance company Celu parvalde Martins Lauva (Harmony Center) has been named as a suspect in the Corruption Prevention Bureau's (CPB) investigation of the company, according to information obtained by LETA.

Martins Lauva.

With this, the CPB has five suspects in the case.


As reported, earlier this week, Riga Mayor Nils Usakovs (Harmony Center) accepted resignations from ''Celu parvalde's'' council and board chairmen, Sergejs Zaletajevs (Harmony Center) and Lauva.


LETA also reported, on October 11, the CPB detained four former and current officials of Celu parvalde on suspicion of bribery, large-scale fraud and legalization of illegal finances. A criminal process has been launched.


The bureau has established that a LVL 10,500 bribe was given with the help of four persons to sign an agreement which would benefit a certain businessman.

On October 12, CPB officers carried out a search at Celu parvalde.


Zaletajevs called the developments a "provocation", while Lauva commented that "CPB's activities have only one objective – to dissolve the current council and board."


Currently, the Riga City Council owns 88.7% shares in Celu parvalde.

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