EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Legislation, Security, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 08:02

Helicopters from Finland accepted into service in Latvia

BC, Riga, 13.02.2013.Print version
Two pre-owned "Augusta Bell 206B" helicopters that the State Border Guard bought from the Finnish Border Guard last year reached Latvia at the end of 2012, informs LETA.

The Border Guard Chief, General Normunds Garbars said presenting the Border Guard's report for 2012 today that the Civil Aviation Agency had inspected the helicopters and concluded that they were in good working order and safe.


Both helicopters will be put into service this year, said Garbars.


As reported, the government approved the purchase of the two helicopters and spare parts on November 27 last year. LVL 0.84 million was allocated from the budget's emergency funds for the procurement of the helicopters.


Before that, the Border Guard had three helicopters: one "Augusta Bell 206B" manufactured in 1971, and two "Augusta 109E Power" helicopters.


The Finnish Border Guard offered the Latvian Border Guard to buy two "Augusta Bell 206B" helicopters manufactured in 1974 and 1980. The State Border Guard believes that the two helicopters could be used for ten-fifteen years in Latvia.


The Border Guard uses its helicopters for the surveillance of border areas, tracking, detaining and transporting persons who illegally cross the border, and other tasks. The helicopters not only significantly improve the mobility of the Border Guard but also enable the Border Guard's participation in international operations.

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