Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 08:05

Elektriraudtee's new trains achieve historic speed

BC, Tallinn, 16.05.2013.Print version
Estonian state-owned commuter railway service operator Elektriraudtee announced that while testing the new trains it will start using this summer, a passenger train achieved the speed of nearly 180 km/h for the first time in the Baltic states ever, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

Elektriraudtee board member Riho Seppar said that this ride was one of the most important conditions in the testing plans. "The train producer collected information with the top speed test rides, based on which it can be confirmed that the new trains correspond to all requirements, in order to travel at the speed of up to 160 km/h in the future on daily basis," said Seppar.


The testing period will end at the beginning of July this year when Elektriraudtee will start using the first new electric trains.


Elektriraudtee buys 18 electric trains and up to 20 diesel engine trains from Stadler Bussnang AG. While the first electric trains in the electric trains network covering the vicinity of Tallinn start operating in July this year, the first diesel engine trains that will operate all of Estonia will come in use in January next year.

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