Airport, Estonia, Legislation, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 11:43

Tallinn Airport to open automatic border control

BC, Tallinn, 02.09.2013.Print version
An automatic border control system will be opened in the Tallinn Airport on Monday that should accelerate procedures for passengers travelling out of the Schengen area, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

The airport's terminal services department had Asko Kivinuk noted that plane travel has become more stressful in the 21st century due to constant new rules and security requirements.


"The airport cannot change the rules but if we want to be a cozy airport, fulfilling them has to be as fast and comfortable for the passenger as possible," he said. "This is the aim of our new automatic border control equipment, with the help of which, border crossing takes a few dozen seconds," he added.


The fully automated border crossing system consists of two automated gates and six registering kiosks. Only passengers with biometric passports who are at least 15 years old and citizens of the EU, EEC or Schengen agreement states can use the new system.

Finland and Norway in Estonia's vicinity use such systems and Denmark and Latvia intend to start using them in the near future.

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