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Einars Repse has returned to active politics in Latvia

BC, Riga, 02.01.2013.Print version
Ex-Prime Minister Einars Repse has returned to active politics by founding the "For Latvia's Development" society, informs LETA.

In an interview with newspaper "Diena", Repse informs that "For Latvia's Development" will present its vision for the development of Latvia, and he hopes that by that time the society will mature, both physically and intellectually. Repse reminds that he has already said that "For Latvia's Development" will most probably become an organization that will participate in the next Saeima elections.


According to Repse, "For Latvia's Development" relations with the Unity political party are very good. "We must put political jealousy aside. I have a high opinion of Unity, they will continue doing their job, and I see excellent cooperation opportunities in the future. At the same time, Unity will not be able to concentrate on development ideas that, for objective reasons, will initially not be popular with all social groups. We are the ones who will concentrate on development ideas, filling up the political vacuum in this area," says Repse.


Repse emphasizes that he does not wish to criticize the government. "I believe that the prime minister [Valdis Dombrovskis] is one of the best premiers in the entire history of Latvia," says Repse. "All the other prime ministers, except Meierovics and Ulmanis, were obviously less capable – at least if judged by how well they could hold their coalitions from falling apart. I believe that integrity and competence are very important qualities fir the head of the government. We will not make criticizing the government a goal in and of itself so we could build a political capital for ourselves."


Repse also explains in the interview that the society was established to find solutions for several very grave problems.


"We are not just physically dying out, we are losing out due to emigration. Our population is already critically small," explains Repse, noting that many people have not yet realized the gravity of the problem. Ensuring the development of Latvia is the only way to change this, which is why Repse and his friends, many of whom are businessmen, decided that they must not let matters stand where they are, and they will have to achieve that decisions be taken that are necessary for the development of Latvia.

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