Baltic States – CIS, Education and Science, Latvia, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 11:53

Minister: reforms in Latvia's Russian schools necessary to create united political nation

BC, Riga, 23.10.2017.Print version
What Latvia needs is a united political nation, which cannot be achieved by maintaining two different education systems, so it is quite natural to move towards ensuring that both ethnic Latvians and minorities are educated at the same schools, Education and Science Minister Karlis Sadurskis (Unity) said in an interview with Latvian Television this morning, informs LETA.

Commenting on the protesters objecting to the planned reform, Sadurskis described them as political groups that want as many young people as possible to remain with poor command of Latvian and under the influence of Russian propaganda.


In Sadurskis’ opinion, there are no longer any uncertainties regarding the planned reform, which provides for a transition to Latvian as the only language of instruction in Latvia’s minority schools. All teachers are already required to speak the Latvian language fluently and if they don’t it is the responsibility of the respective local authority. The teachers have had 15 years to learn the state language. The teaching programs are ready as well – they just have to be taken over from the Latvian schools.


Asked about concerns that the reform might undermine the quality of education provided by Latvia’s Russian schools, Sadurskis did not give a direct answer but asked rhetorically whether those who ask such questions really think that ethnic Russians are dumber than other people and incapable of mastering a language.


As reported, a rally will be held by the Latvian Education and Science Ministry today to protest against full switch to Latvian as the language of instruction at schools, organizers of the protest reported.


A number of pro-Russia organizations sent a letter to Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis (Greens/Farmers) voicing their dissatisfaction over his support to the plan to switch to full use of the Latvian language in education.


Organizers of the protest believe that this would do harm of minorities schools and cause difficulties to pupils.


The Riga City Council informed that the rally has been announced by individual Degi Karajevs. Karajevs said in his application that the protest meeting would gather around 100 people.

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