Banks, Financial Services, Investments, Legislation, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 29.03.2025, 06:34

Ukio Bankas removed from NASDAQ OMX shares list

BC, Vilnius, 26.02.2013.Print version
Shares of Lithuania-based bank Ukio Bankas have been suspended for trading since February 12, 2013 and UKB1L is no longer considered to be eligible for index inclusion, NASDAQ OMX said in a statement, informs LETA.

The Bank of Lithuania recognized Ukio Bankas to be insolvent and permanently terminated its license, thus the company is considered to be in liquidation.


NASDAQ OMX Global Index Group will act and adjust UKB1L in the OMX Baltic Benchmark and OMX Baltic 10 index in accordance with the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the NASDAQ OMX Baltic Equity Indexes”, section 5.


UKB1L will be removed at zero value from OMX Baltic Benchmark and OMX Baltic 10 effective February 27, 2013. The last inclusion day of UKB1L will be February 26, 2013.


There will be no replacement until the next index review.

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