Forum, Latvia, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 29.03.2025, 01:45

Latvian Legion walking in Riga

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 16.03.2012.Print version
Around a thousand people participating in a procession commemorating the Latvian Legion have arrived at the Freedom Monument, LETA observed.

Unlike the March 16 commemorative events in the previous years, no insults can be heard this time. The march participants are placing flowers at the foot of the Freedom Monument in silence.


More than 20 people holding Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian flags had lined forming an alley for the procession participants to pass through. Participating in the procession are several All For Latvia!-For Fatherland And Freedom/LNNK politicians: Saeima members Karlis Kreslins, Dzintars Rasnacs, Inese Laizane, Vineta Porina, Dzintars Kudums, Ilmars Latkovskis, Inara Murniece, Raivis Dzintars, Janis Dombrava and Imants Paradnieks.


Saeima members Einars Cilinskis and Davis Stalts, and former MPs Juris Dobelis and Peteris Tabuns also participated in the march.


Today's events commemorating the World War II Latvian Legion are passing peacefully without any noteworthy incidents.


So far, three persons have been detained at legionnaire remembrance events in Riga, LETA was informed by State Police Riga Region Department Chief Andrejs Grisins.


One man was detained for using fascist symbols, whilst another was using Soviet Union symbols. Both are banned in Latvia.


On the other hand, a third persons was detained for disturbing the work of police officers.


Overall, Legionnaire Remembrance Day events in Riga today are passing by with no major incidents.

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